Legacy and manifesto
Cornerstone Legacy
An elevation and evolution of perspective enabling a future that is abundant, thriving and enduring for all individuals, organisations, communities and the planet.
Cornerstone Manifesto
What We Do
At Cornerstone Integral we translate the best thinking of brilliant minds and global thought leadership by transcending and including this thinking into practical applicable solutions.
We understand, explore, apply and advance
It is through pragmatic application that we earn respect, gain trust and build our reputation as advocates and practitioners of Integral wisdom and counsel.
Our expertise is valued
We enable our clients to navigate the complexities of 21st century organisational life as they journey through wins, challenges, disappointments and surprises. We are instrumental in elevating and evolving your perspective. We provide a sense of clarity, calm, strength and resolve.
Your capability grows
The impact as we connect and influence across all levels of an organisation is through an alignment of strategic aspirations and enduring values sparking an infectious viral transformation.
We impact and you get results
What We Stand For
Our passionate application of the Integral Framework as our sense making construct enables us to offer rich and insightful perspectives to our work and its effect on the current and future state of the world our clients live in.
Rather than the belief in the construct of ‘the competition’ or competitors to Cornerstone, we prefer a perspective that forges a way for others to join. We have an insatiable passion for curiosity that fires our intellect.
We hold deeply the care, compassion and unconditional positive regard for those whose lives we are privileged to touch in organisational life.
Why Cornerstone?
In ancient times buildings made of stone needed a ‘cornerstone’ as a reference from which all the other stone blocks were set. Appearing at the apex of an arch or vault, the cornerstone was the most ‘integral’ stone since it was the epicentre of the intended architectural shape. The cornerstone allows all else in the structure to maintain place and an even fit within the structure.
The metaphor for the cornerstone is one of unity, strength of wholeness, and a quest to reach limitless heights or goals.
Through the use of the Integral Framework, as our cornerstone, we are able to provide our clients with a sense of wholeness and unity providing the ability to reach outcomes and expectations beyond what they thought was possible.